The Fae Gaurd
The Fae Gaurd is an immersive experience consisting of three stations of games to complete to become 'knighted' as a Fae Gaurd.
Recruits of the Fae Guard must complete quests within the Enchanted Forest to prove they’re ready to become an official member. At the end of the adventure, after solving the final puzzle, you’re granted Knighthood and become an official member of the Fae Guard! You will have a stamp card to track your progress throughout the three games.
Trail 1:
Prove your strength, physical prowess and accuracy. Use the large Slingshot to catapult glowing Fae orbs into the corresponding targets.
Trail 2:
Prove your Linguistic Prowess: knights should be well spoken, and kind.Word Scramble Puzzle: you have to aid a knight attempting to be chivalrous to a waiting lady by helping fix their poorly worded poem (Board with Magnetic Words on it that can be shuffled around!)
Trail 3:
The final challenge is a riddle: You come to a fork in the road where there stands a knight and a knave. Knights always tell the truth and Knaves always lie. These two are so alike you can not tell which one is knight and which one is knave. You need to choose a road at the fork but one of the roads leads to certain death. You are allowed to ask only one question to only one person standing at the fork. What question can you ask to find the right road, not mattering whether the person is a knight or a knave?
The whole experience is led by actors. And this is the budget:
Sword .................. $12 Slingshot ……...... Recycled materials Gow orbs ……….... $12 Tent ………………... Recycled materials Poem board ……... Recycled materials Stickers ………..... $25 Field Guide ……….. Hand Printed Zine
Sword .................. $12 Slingshot ……...... Recycled materials Gow orbs ……….... $12 Tent ………………... Recycled materials Poem board ……... Recycled materials Stickers ………..... $25 Field Guide ……….. Hand Printed Zine
Approximately $50 + Small materials
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